In this episode of Silver Lining Conversations, we chat with Candace Plattor, M.A., a former addict with over 33 years clean and sober who learned that overcoming addiction is a family condition: everyone in the family is affected by addiction and everyone needs to heal. For more than three decades, she has been helping both addicts and their loved ones understand their dysfunctional behaviours and make healthier life choices.

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About Candace Plattor, M.A.

Candace Plattor is an Addictions Therapist in private practice, where she specializes in working with the family and other loved ones of people who are struggling with addiction, in her unique and signature Family Addiction Counselling and Therapy Program. As a former addict with over 33 years clean and sober, Candace learned that overcoming addiction is a family condition: everyone in the family is affected by addiction and everyone needs to heal. For more than three decades, she has been helping both addicts and their loved ones understand their dysfunctional behaviours and make healthier life choices.

The results Candace achieves have been astounding: addicts stop using and families regain their lives from the ravages of addiction. Not only has her success led to a waiting list of clients but she is a sought after leader in the field of addictions. As the developer of the LoveWithBoundaries Family Addiction Counselling and Therapy method, Candace now works with her team of top counsellors, helping families and addicts break the cycle of addiction for good.

Contact Candace





Learn more about Candace’s books here.